Virtual Delights is my bachelor graduation VR project at AKV st. Joost. Inspired by the Genesis story of Adam & Eve I created a new 'paradise' filled with temptations of our western culture. In this experience I let you, the viewer, explore this new paradise. But beware, it contains various temptations that might mislead you...
In Virtual Delights I want to make people aware of the fact that we get influenced by various temptations every day such as commercials, the consumer society and the internet. Every player will encounter these temptations and how they react to them will result in either destroying the paradise or maintaining it. The paradise has an actual lifespan that increases and decreases as people play the experience. It is possible that the paradise will cease to exist. In order to prevent this, people must work together and save it.
- AKV st. Joost Penning 2018
- NFF studenten competitie 2018
- Youngblood award 2018
- Night Of The Nerds (2018), Eindhoven
- Clickbait Playgrounds Takeover, Breda
- Clickbait (ILAN graduation show 2018), Breda
- Gogbot (2018), Enschede
- Dutch Film Festival (2018), Utrecht
- Dutch Design Week (2018), Eindhoven
- Den Bosch Dataweek (2018), Den Bosch
- DIPFEST (2018), Melkweg Amsterdam
- Cultuurnacht (2019), Breda